Terms of Use


1. Shortly (shortly.click) is owned by ABC INVEST LP [email protected]

2. The Service Provider operates the Website and is responsible for the proper provision of the Website’s Electronic Services. In addition to the Service Provider, the Website features Customers, i.e. third parties independent of the Service Provider who can use the Website’s Electronic Services via the Website.

Personal data processed on the Website to implement the provisions hereof is administered by the Service Provider. The personal data is processed for the purposes, to the extent and based on the principles and rules specified in the privacy statement published on the Website. Among other things, the privacy statement lays down how personal data is processed by the Administrator on the Website, including the framework, purposes, and scope of personal data processing and the rights such personal data pertains to, as well as informs on what cookies and analytical tools are used on the Website. Use of the Website is voluntary. Disclosure of personal data by the Website’s user is also voluntary.


1. The definitions used throughout these Regulations have the following meanings:

a. BLOG - an Electronic Service, a web blog available on the Website to its Customers which contains articles describing how shortened links can be used.

b. WORKING DAY - one day between Monday and Friday, save for public holidays.

d. ACCOUNT – an Electronic Service, a collection of resources in the Service Provider’s data communication system where data provided by the Customer and information on Shortened Links is gathered, identified with an individual name (login) and password assigned by the Service Provider.

e. NEWSLETTER – an Electronic Service enabling all Customers to automatically receive successive newsletter issues with information on novelties.

f. REGULATIONS – these Website Regulations.

g. WEBSITE or SITE, shortly.click (shortly.click) – Service Provider’s website available on https://shortly.click.

h. LINK SHORTENING – an Electronic Service enabling all Customers to reduce the length of the selected link.

i. ELECTRONIC SERVICE – a service provided electronically by the Service Provider to the Customer via the Website as set forth herein.

j. CUSTOMER – an individual having full legal capacity and, where so stipulated under generally applicable laws, also an individual with limited legal capacity who uses or is going to use an Electronic Service.

3) ABOUT Shortly

1. Shortly is a portal that makes it possible for Customers to shorten links referring to other webpages, as well as to add their own domains and create short links within such domains.

2. It is not possible to enter into a Purchase Contract on the Website.

3. The Service Provider is responsible for the provision of the Electronic Services specified herein and obligated to provide the same without any defect whatsoever.


1. The Customer is obligated to use the Website in a legitimate way and in accordance with good manners while respecting the Service Provider’s and third parties’ personality rights, copyrights, and intellectual property rights. The Customer is obligated to provide his or her actual details. The Customer is not permitted to provide any illegitimate content.

2. Technical requirements for using the Service Provider’s data communication system:
(1) computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any other multimedia device with Internet access;
(2) web browser: Mozilla Firefox 20.0 or higher (stable) or Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher (stable), Google Chrome 25.0. or higher (stable);
(3) cookies and Javascript enabled in the web browser.

3. The Service Provider complies with article 14 clause 1 of the Provision of Electronic Services Act of July 18, 2002 (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended) whereby who, making available resources of its data communication system for the customer to store his or her data, is not aware of the illegitimacy of such data or any related activity and prevents access to such data after being officially notified of or becoming aware of the illegitimacy of such data or any related activity shall not be held liable for such stored data.


1. Every Customer can use the Website as set forth herein.

2. The Customer can use the following of the Website’s Electronic Services:

a. Blog

b. Account

c. Newsletter

d. Link shortening

3. A detailed description of the Electronic Services and how to use them can be found herein and on the Website.

4. Customers use the Electronic Services free of charge.


1. The Blog available on the Website can be used free of charge and accessed by every Customer.

2. The mere browsing of the Blog is possible once you enter the appropriate tab of the Website.

3. The Customer can, at any time and without having to state the reason therefor, stop browsing the Blog by closing the web browser.


1. Account – the Account can be used after all of the following three steps are made by the Customer:
(1) the Registration Form is completed;
(2) the Create Account field is clicked; and
(3) the willingness to open an Account is confirmed by clicking the confirmation link automatically sent to the designated e-mail address. The Customer has thirty days to confirm the creation of the Account; upon expiry of this period, his or her details will be deleted. In the Registration Form, the Customer has to fill in the following of his or her details: e-mail address and password.

2. The Account Service is provided free of charge for an indefinite period of time. The Customer can, at any time and without having to state the reason therefor, delete (give up) his or her Account by submitting a relevant request to the Service Provider or selecting an appropriate option when logged onto his or her Account.


1. The Newsletter can be used after you enter in the Website’s Newsletter tab your e-mail address to which successive Newsletter issues should be sent and click the confirmation link sent to your designated e-mail address. The Customer has thirty days to confirm his or her subscription to the Newsletter; upon expiry of this period, his or her details will be deleted.

2. The Newsletter Service is provided free of charge for an indefinite period of time. The Customer can, at any time and without having to state the reason therefor, cancel (give up) his or her subscription to the Newsletter by submitting a relevant request to the Service Provider, in particular by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or clicking the link in the bottom of the page: Unsubscribe newsletter.


1. The Link shortening service can be used after you enter a link in the edit field and click the action field. The Link Shortening Service can be used only once and is terminated once it is used.

2. The shortened link is recorded in the Service Provider’s MySQL database.

3. The Link Shortening Service is provided free of charge for an indefinite period of time.

4. In addition to the Link Shortening Service, the Customer can also check what link/URL address a shortened link stands for.

5. The Customer can also add his or her own domain and create short links within such a domain. For this purpose, the domain the Customer wants to add has to be redirected to the Service Provider’s IP or the domain’s CNAME (settings) have to be modified by including a referral to the Service Provider’s domain.

6. The Customer can also preview the statistics of clicks on his or her shortened link.


1. The Service Provider can disable links that:
- has been put on any blacklist;
- has been reported to be suspicious (after the report is found to be right);
- contains more than one referral;
- has been shortened more than once;
- has been reported as potential malicious/spam, etc.;
- refers to unacceptable contents (pornography, violence, etc.);
- is not compliant herewith.


Regular distant communications with you are primarily ensured by the Website’s contact form, e-mail (e-mail: [email protected]). Customers can also contact us using other methods permitted by law.


1. Complaints regarding the functioning of the Website and Electronic Services can be filed by Customers using the Website’s contact form, by e-mail: [email protected])

2. The Service Provider recommends including the following in the complaint description:
(1) information on the complaint subject and the related circumstances, in particular the type and date of any malfunction;
(2) the Customer’s demand; and
(3) the complaining party’s contact details to make it easier and faster for the complaint to be processed by the Service Provider. The requirements specified in the foregoing sentence are recommendations only and do not affect the efficacy of the complaint filed otherwise than recommended.

3. The Service Provider will state its position on the complaint immediately, but not later than within fourteen calendar days of its receipt.

1. This section of the Regulations applies only to Customers who are consumers and to the distant contracts with the Service Provider they may enter into.

2. The consumer is not entitled to withdraw from the following distant contracts:
(1) contracts for the provision of services if the Vendor has delivered a full service with the express agreement of the consumer, who was informed before receiving the service that the consumer would lose his or her right to withdraw from the contract once the service is delivered;
(2) contracts whereby sound or visual recordings or computer software in sealed packaging are delivered if the packaging is opened after delivery;
(3) contracts for the delivery of journals, periodicals or magazines, except for subscription contracts;
(4) contracts for the provision of digital content that is not recorded on a physical data carrier if the provision of a service is started with the express consent of the consumer before the expiration of the period to withdraw from the contract and after the consumer is informed by the Vendor about the consumer’s losing his or her right to withdraw from the contract.

3. Subject to clause 13.2 hereof, the consumer who has entered into a distant contract may, within fourteen calendar days, withdraw from such a contract without having to state the reason therefor and incur any costs whatsoever, save for the exception described in this clause. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient to send a relevant statement before the expiry thereof.

4. The withdrawal period starts from the signing date of the contract.

5. All statements sent to the Service Provider in connection with exercising your right to withdraw from the contract may be made using the contact details indicated in clause 11 hereof.


1. This section of the Regulations applies only to Customers who are consumers.


1. The copyrights and intellectual property rights to the Website as a whole and to any part thereof, including any content, artwork, piece of work, pattern, and trademark displayed as part thereof, are owned by the Service Provider or other eligible third parties, and are subject to copyright and other generally applicable laws. The protection granted to the Website comprises all forms of their expression.

2. Trademarks owned by the Service Provider and third parties should be used in accordance with applicable laws.


2. These Regulations come into force as soon as they are published, i.e. posted in its entirety on the Website.

3. The Service Provider reserves the right to amend the Regulations for cause, i.e. due to legislative changes or changes in the scope or form of the Electronic Services insofar as such changes might affect the implementation of the provisions hereof.

a. For subscription contracts signed hereunder (e.g. subscription of the Newsletter Service), the Customer is bound by the revised Regulations if the requirements specified in articles 384 and 384[1] of the Civil Code are fulfilled, i.e. the Customer has been properly notified of the revision and has not terminated the contract within fourteen calendar days of being notified. If the revision of the Regulations results in the introduction of any new fees or an increase in the existing ones, the Customer being a consumer is entitled to withdraw from the contract.

b. For non-subscription contracts signed hereunder (e.g. purchase contracts), changes in the Regulations will not in any way affect the rights Customers being consumers have acquired before the effective date of the revision, in particular no change in the Regulations will affect any of the existing or pending purchase orders, or any contracts signed, performed, or carried out.

Thank you for your reading carefully!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate and contact us.

We look forward to cooperating with you,
Shortly Team